World-class coach for every learner

Access the top 3% of coaches in the world on our platform — all qualified and pre-vetted.

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World Map
Mia Grande
Mia Ganda
Executive and Life Coach
Tilman Ecklof
Tilman Ecklof
Social Psychology Professor
Silke Strauss
Silke Strauss
C-level Coach

of our coaches are certified and fully qualified.


have extensive management and executive experience.


have 15+ years of relevant coaching experience.


hours of coaching needed to join the Sharpist network.

Trusted by leading organizations

Meet the top 3% of coaches worldwide

Learn which coaches we recommend for your program

A network of over 1,000 internationally certified coaches

Christa-Marie MünchowLinkedin Logo

"Through my work, I combine success orientation and emotionally competent cooperation. It is about actively shaping the connection to yourself and the requirements outside."

Christa-Marie Münchow

Blended Learning Expert
Jacopo NicelliLinkedin Logo

“Apart from being a coach, I'm also a consultant, trainer, motivator, and a family business expert! My approach is focused on results with candor and openness.”

Jacopo Nicelli

Executive And Life Coach
Silke StraussLinkedin Logo

“Every organization works differently. The same holds true for individuals. What works for one person might not work for someone else. My passion is to support people individually in their respective roles and systems. While doing so, I specifically focus on effectiveness and executive presence.”

Silke Strauss

C-Level Coach
Mia GandaLinkedin Logo

“I firmly believe in empowering partners to create a purposeful, self-determined life, free from limiting behavioral patterns and belief systems..”

Mia Ganda

Executive And Life Coach
Tilman EcklofLinkedin Logo

“To master modern challenges in organizations as best as possible, diversity is required. I assist in all aspects so that diversity is enriching and people pull in one direction.”

Tilman Ecklof

Social Psychology Professor

Learners are coached in their native languages


Sharpist Match³: The fastest and most precise technology for perfect coach matches

The third generation of our coach matching technology is based on a scientific approach and benefits from the data and insights gained since 2018.

Benefits of Sharpist Match³:
97% of coach matches are accurate
We collect and analyze more data from learners and coaches than any comparable providers, ensuring a high success rate and happy clients.
Goal analysis at your convenience
Employees enter their data and goals in just a few steps via the app and are matched with the right coach quickly.
Immediate program start
Thanks to the fast matching process, employees can start their individual coaching journey immediately after the matching process.
More about Coach Match³
Hendrik and Fabian
Do you want to test our coach-matching skills?

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