Personalized Leadership Coaching for Sustainable Organisational Growth

We provide 1:1 leadership coaching that helps leaders improve their individual and business performance. This results in lasting behavior change with measurable results.
Empower employees

Digital leadership coaching

Retain talent

Outcome-bound and data-driven

Track progress

Custom-designed and transparent

Regular leadership coaching gets started and abandoned

Many leaders struggle to unleash their full potential on their own. Coaching helps them work through their challenges and discover ways to perform better. However, engagement levels for these programs fail to match what’s desired with little to no real-world impact.

More about leadership coaching

Tailored digital coaching drives lasting transformational change

Leaders are more invested when their L&D program addresses their exact needs. With individual coaching, you are equipping the leaders in your organization with the tools to tackle their present real-world challenges, and this produces higher engagement and completion rates than conventional training or seminars. When also aligned with company goals, organisations get lasting transformational change for their L&D investment.

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Provide relevant tools that benefit your leaders directly

Leaders are matched with the ideal coach for their needs, who helps them with the tools they need to unleash their full potential and succeed in their day-to-day.

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Young man and woman are talking and smiling

Align training outcomes with your company’s unique goals

Each executive training program is designed to meet the individual’s specific needs while on track with your company’s values, goals, and current internal strategy.

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Inspire individual change to drive your company’s progress

Our 1,000+ coaches will help renew your leaders’ commitment to your company’s progress, helping them rediscover the joy in using their unique talent for positive impact.

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Join some of the world’s leading organizations.

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Guaranteed support for the professional growth of your leaders

Take a data-driven approach to ensure your L&D program delivers measurable results, such as:

More about leadership coaching

usage rate of coaching sessions in an average Sharpist program


more active learners, compared to traditional coaching programs

4.95 /5

satisfaction rating with our coaching sessions


administrative work hours saved

"Sharpist has proven to be the right partner for our company. But we are just at the very beginning of our journey. In the long run, I see great potential not just on the individual level, but company-wide. The fact that Sharpist’s L&D ecosystem is location and time independent enables progress tracking and global scalability, which is a crucial step in building a centralized L&D strategy. Sharpist’s approach helps us to ensure the same high standards of people development across all 40 countries."

Kirill Bourovoi
Kirill Bourovoi
Group Head of Learning & Development

"The successful pilot program proved to us that Sharpist is the right partner to support our employees in the best possible way through individual coaching. It was important for us to have a competent partner at our side who supports us and our employees in our strong growth phase. We especially appreciate the transparency and communication with Sharpist and always feel well advised."

Amelle Boukris
Amelle Boukris
HR Manager Global Entities & US

"Learning & Development has been the key ingredient to the culture and the success of GetYourGuide. Sharpist is taking us to the next level in helping us develop our people in a scalable way and unleash their full potential."

Johannes Reck
Johannes Reck
CEO and Co-Founder at GetYourGuide

How Sharpist works

Sharpist Coach Call

Tailor solutions to your company's goals.

Analysis of individual and company needs, detailed goals set at company and individual level, coach matching based on goals assessment and individual profiles.


Receive app-based coaching and e-learning

Video coaching sessions, microlearning and Micro Tasks, personalized e-learning modules from MIT and other leading partners


Track progress through analytics dashboards

Coaching and assessment data, feedback interviews, 360-degree feedback, learning framework analysis, pre- and post-evaluations.

Get a demo

Request a demo to see how Sharpist can support your leadership development goals

Learn more about how you can drive lasting change in your organisation with access to our network of over 1,000 internationally certified coaches and tailored coaching programs.

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How can we measure the impact of coaching?

The key effects of coaching are significant performance improvement, increased well-being, enhanced self-regulation and the development of better coping strategies

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How can we measure the impact of coaching?